TBS COMICS is ready for a smashing weekend of Magic the Gathering action. The Pre-Release of Oath of the Gatewatch is upon us and TBS has a full slate of events planned for you!
Fort Walton Beach Events:
1. 12AM Midnight JAN 16 (following FNM)
2. 6PM Saturday, JAN 16
3. 12PM Noon Sunday, JAN 17
Pensacola Events:
1. 12AM Midnight JAN 16 (following FNM)
2. 6PM Saturday, JAN 16
3. 12PM Noon Sunday, JAN 17 (tentative based on product availability)
Pensacola store updated information
additional dates of note:
Release date JAN 22 (both locations will be open briefly at Midnight)
GameDay FEB 13
secure your booster boxes and Fatpacks with TBS Comics. Play local, buy local!
TBS Online Store