Tentative format, SUBJECT TO CHANGE: 4 rounds. (possibly 5)
1st round: 25pts
2nd round: 35pts
The 1st and 2nd rounds are the “Fun” rounds. No character restrictions. Bring the HEAT! Same or different Warcaster AS YOU CHOOSE. HOWEVER, lists must be constructed AT registration. So regardless who you play against, your list is already set.
3rd and 4th rounds 50pts. 2 lists. Character restrictions. At the beginning of the 3rd round each player will show thier opponent his/her lists. You get to decide which list you will use. The 4th round YOU MUST use your unused list from round 3. Again, lists are made and turned in AT REGISTRATION.
Should there be enough people that we NEED to go to a 5th round, each player will construct a (undetermined point level) list from their previously played 50pt lists…
Please understand that this tournament is in lieu of Coastal Assault not happening this year It will be large enough to hopefully convince players to knock the dust off their figs, and push them across the table. Besides the trophy prize support, I gaurantee Ed will have something else worthy of your time and commitment to TBS. Thank you.